
new friend

I made a new friend in yoga class! Sort of, well, not really. haha. I had a new mat mate the last few classes. This is not a hard thing to do. People in Michigan are very nice. After class, we talk some more and she ends with, "my husband and kids go camping so I get some alone time."

When I meet people here, I think they are my age, probably have the same interests as me but they are all moms and wives. Some of the girls in my class have kids in college!

I think to LA and 80% of my friend's are single (not married, no kids)... here I think it is 80% married with kids. Are small town's just easier to settle down?

photo via the sartorialist

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting. i think when you settle down, you want to move out of the city. so you can spend more time with your family. if iwere single living in a small town, i think i would go crazy. that's just my thought.

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